Distant Memories, Lesson Learned.

If you find yourself asking whether or not you are in an abusive relationship, then chances are you probably are. When I asked myself that question a few years back, one of the first things I did was google, “Am I in an Abusive Relationship?”.  I titled my website after this question, because I thought there would be people other than myself that will ask themselves that very question.  I […]

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How to Heal From an Abusive Relationship.

Healing from an abusive relationship is one of the hardest things to do.  Many people never truly heal, and thus stay a victim for the rest of their life.  Learn how you can start the healing process to become a better you! Healing from an abusive relationship is one of the hardest things to do.  Many people never truly heal, and thus stay a victim for the rest of their […]

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When to Adapt and When to Leave

I recently wondered about how far we should take being “adaptive”, and when we should leave, not adapt, and get out. It is super important to adapt in life because most history reveals that the ones who have adapted survived the longest. In history the ones that adapt to their surroundings are the ones that become successful. Adapting is what can make or break us in whatever course we choose […]

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Control Your Environment

Your Environment Determines your Future I find those studies of twins separated at birth to be fascinating.  They tell us quite a lot about our surroundings, and how our environment shapes our success in life.  While things like idiosyncrasys may be genetic, the people we surround ourselves with, and the environment we live in play a much larger role.  There are going to be two types of environments for us […]

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Are You Having Fun Anymore?

Are you having fun anymore?   Asking yourself the tough questions and being completely honest (even if it hurts your ego) is one of the only ways to come to terms that your relationship is abusive in any way. Do you find that you look back to better times with your partner and wish that they were like that today? You might be noticing every aspect of your life being […]

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